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Maxi-Matic EGC-508 Elite Platinum Stainless Electric Egg Cooker

Let’s get cooking on this review of the Maxi-Matic EGC-508 Easy Electric Egg Cooker. There are some clear plastic see through egg cooker and there are some stainless steel ones, this is the stainless egg cooker from Maxi-Matic.

Maxi-Matic EGC-007T Electric Egg Cooker

Let’s review the Automatic Easy Egg Cooker which allows you to cook up to 7 eggs at one time. There is an included measuring cup that allows you to calibrate the water level to consistently prepare the eggs to your desired style; soft, medium, or hard boiled.

Dash Rapid Egg Cooker

Let’s review the Dash Rapid Egg Cooker. Available in a 12 or 6 Egg Capacity Electric Egg Cooker for Hard Boiled Eggs, Poached Eggs, Scrambled Eggs, or Omelets with Auto Shut Off Feature.

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