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Instant Pot Aura Multicooker Slow Cooker (Review & Price Comparison)

Description, Price Comparison and Review of the Instant Pot Aura 10-in-1 Multicooker Slow Cooker. Instant Pot Aura is a 10-in-1 multi-use programmable multicooker with advanced microprocessor technology. The aura can roast, stew, bake, steam, slow cook, sear/sauté, make rice, yogurt, ferment and warm, all in one cooker

Review of the Instant Pot DUO 6 Qt 7-in-1 Multi-Cooker

We are doing a review of the Instant Pot DUO60 6 Qt 7-in-1 Multi-Cooker. Talk about some of the features, benefits, and even a little issue that was found.

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