Here are the guidelines for submitting a review with Reviewaffi.

We encourage you to share your experience on products and service you have encountered and experienced. But we also have to have some guidelines in place before you Submit a Review. These guidelines will provide everyone with a better quality environment.

What kind of Review can you Submit?

We encourage you to submit a review on a product or service you have had an experience with. But you can also submit reviews:

1- Best of. You can write a Best of Review / Blog. Normally these types of reviews have 5 to 10 products and review each product on their quality or effectiveness. Normally these are submitted by those who wish market their affiliate links.

2- Product Review. You used a product and want to write your review on the product. Great, we love it.

3- Service. A service review could be an internet website, internet service or even a local business. Great we love it.

4- Places. Did you go camping, swimming, vacationing, jogging, or hiking? Awesome, we would love to hear about great locations to visit and explore.

Allowed – Not Allowed

1 – Spam. We will not tolerate any kind of Spam. We consider spam any writing or content lacking reading value for humans.

2- Link. Oversaturated writing with links will not be allowed. Yes, you can include links to affiliate products, but keep this to a limit.

3- Adult Content. Keep it PG, this means that there will be no improper words aloud. Even though we do not target or those uder 18 to visit our website, those under 18 could still have access to this website and we must provide a safe environment for everyone.

4- Quality. Please make sure your writing is of some sort of quality. We understand not everyone has the same level of writing as a professional, and we are ok with that. But please make it legible.

5- Your Responsibility. You are responsible for what you write. Make sure what you submit is no illegal or inappropriate.

6- Images and Videos. Yes you may include images and even videos in your Review. You are responsible for copyright images or video you submit. YouTube does allow you use video for embedding if the Video owner has allowed sharing of that video. I would suggest you provide a link back to the video owner as a courtesy.

7- Duplicate Content. We can’t allow duplicate content as it only hurts the quality of the website in entirety. Yes, you can copy some information which might be relevant, but most of your submission must be original.

Tips and Tricks when Submitting a Review

Want to write a review which gets better search engine placement? Great, so do we.

1- Heading is the name of the Product or Service you are reviewing.

2- Include the name of the Product or Service in the first 30 words.

3- Include the name of the Product or Service in the body of the content approximately 3% of the time.

4- Name the Image you upload with the name of the Product or Service you are reviewing.

5- End the Review with the name of the Product or Service (your title)

6- Include the name of the product or service in the “tag” section.

7- Once your review is approved, share it on your social networks.

Thank you for your interest in writing a review. If you would be interested in becoming one of our Authors please read this

Let’s get going – Go Submit a Review

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